Dr. Manuel Gutierrez Romero

Dr. Manuel Gutierrez Romero comes from a family of Doctors. His father is a professor with 35 years of experience at the University of Medical School in Tijuana, Mexico where he teaches in the field of infectious diseases. His mother is a family practice physician for over 10 years, and his sister is a prominent psychologist with over 15 years of experience and practice.
Dr. Manuel Gutierrez Romero was born in Tijuana like his parents. He always interacts with family and friends on both sides of the border; it’s good having the best of both worlds and cultures. He likes to practice near the border because it gives him the opportunity to operate on patients from all over the world. Different racial aspects, different types of skin, bone structures and cultures. This has forced Dr. Gutierrez to develop, study and learn alternative techniques from all over the world. Operating on an African-American nose, a Caucasian face lift, a Hispanic liposuction and an Oriental breast augmentation; every culture has their particular needs and they have to be taken into consideration to plan a successful procedure.
Dr. Gutierrez is an active international member of The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), which underscores his commitment to upholding the highest standards of safety, ethics, and patient care in the field of plastic surgery. As a member of ASPS, Dr. Gutierrez is part of a global network of leading plastic surgeons dedicated to continuous professional development and advancing the art and science of plastic surgery. His profile on the ASPS website can be viewed here.
Credential & Diplomas
He completed 6 years of general medicine and received his medical degree in Tijuana, Mexico. He then moved to Mexico City to continue with his general surgeon degree for 3 years in Centro medico “la Raza”, and then plastic surgery in “General Hospital” for 3 additional years. After he became a board certified plastic surgeon, he moved back to Tijuana, Mexico in May 1998. At that time he opened his practice and has been in the same location since.
To verify Dr. Manuel Gutierrez’s credentials & membership you can check online at https://www.cirugiaplastica.org.mx call direct to the Mexican Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (in Mexico) at: # 011-52-555-615-4910. The Doctor’s Certification Number is #942.
Taking Care Of Patients Is Dr. Manuel Gutierrez Romero’s Nature
When he was 19 years old, he was admitted into Medical School; where he knew he wanted to be a plastic surgeon. The ability to improve the life of patients with birth defects such as cliff and lip palate was something that Dr. Manuel Gutierrez Romero was passionate about. This would also give him the opportunity to change a patient’s feature and body shape and improve their appearance.
Plastic Surgery is a form of art. The ability to understand patients and figure out if the procedure will satisfy the patient is something that Dr. Gutierrez loves. He would rather not operate on a patient if he cannot offer at least a 50% improvement. When this particular situation comes to him, he would rather send the patient to 2-3 more consultations with board certified plastic surgeons where it will help the patient make a better informed decision.
Patients don’t go to Dr. Manuel Gutierrez Romero office looking for an operation; they come looking for results. His obligation is to anticipate if the patient will be happy with the operation or not.
Dr. Manuel Gutierrez Romero was asked what his biggest challenges are, and here is what he said:
- – Safety – I want to make sure that no matter how small or large the procedure is, it has to be very safe. We have to make sure that the patient is in good health condition to have a procedure or procedures. Many patients call looking for a package on multiple procedures and we normally inform them how safe or unsafe it may be to do multiple ones at the same time. We make our patients do the necessary pre-operative lab work, EKG and cardiological evaluation before selecting the ideal candidates. We also want to make sure they are not taking any medications that can complicate the procedure; for instance all blood thinners (aspirin, multi-vitamins, vitamin E, Motrin, ibuprofen, ginkgo biloba, Ginseng and green tea). All medications that could cause complications have to be stopped 3-4 weeks prior to surgery. In regards to safety, all of our surgical material is disposable for each patient and our instruments are sterilized by autoclave.
- I spend the time necessary during the pre-operative consultation to make sure I understand my patient’s needs. This quality time will help me guide them and offer them the best alternative procedure for their specific needs. Often patients say things such as “I want to look super natural”, “I want to look super young”, “I want to recover very quick”; since every patient is looking for something in particular the quality time invested before the operation will only warrant a successful result. I don’t operate if I don’t understand my patient.
- I also make sure that every patient gets the best personal attention. All of our staff is bilingual, kind and friendly. With over 10 years of experience they all share the same philosophy – “There is nobody more important here than the patient.”
- -Lastly, I make sure we offer the best surgery for their money. This means high quality material supply and staff at the most effective cost. This reflects on our prices of 30-50% savings from the USA.
When a patient comes after several years of having their surgery performed, they usually bring family, friends or themselves for more procedures. When you create such a good impact in their lives they never forget you, “that’s a great feeling”. When you also have the opportunity to do a procedure that changes people’s lives that you can see in a follow-up consultation, “there are no words to explain what a great feeling that is”. The amount of self-esteem that they have, they walk more confident or they smile more and talk differently, “it’s the best feeling in the world to have helped them”.