Vaginal Reconstruction
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Tijuana, Mexico

There are many reasons why patients look for vaginal reconstruction in Mexico but the majority of them are patients that have had vaginal birth deliveries. Others have a birth defect and vaginal reconstruction offers these patients to have an increase in sexual pleasure, restore functionality, and have a better cosmetic appearance overall.
Vaginal reconstruction is a series of procedures for rejuvenating and restoring the appearance and function of the vagina. It consists of 2 procedures; the labia reconstruction and the vaginoplasty. The patient can be born with redundancy in the minor or major labia, or they can be thick and prominent.
Other patients after vaginal birth delivery have muscle and mucosa that can be redundant and the muscle tone is lost, patients usually complain of losing sensitivity.
Who are ideal candidates for vaginal reconstruction?
Females who are born with a redundancy in minor labia that overhang and it is redundant. Also for patients commonly complain of irritation with their clothes or discomfort and friction in the intercourse.
How do patients have thick mayor labia and pubic area?
Patients after vaginal birth delivery notice: that there is redundancy of minor or major labia and looseness of the muscle tones of the vagina, they also experience reduced sensitivity and reduced sexual pleasure. Life is not as it was before children; patients don’t feel comfortable with the physical appearance of their labia and vagina and they feel uncomfortable in the intimate sexual relation.
What is a labiaplasty?
Labiaplasty is a procedure designed to correct and eliminate redundancy of the minor labia, in some cases the major labia are thick, the pubic area collects a large amount of fat and both labia and pubis stick out and are bulky and you can see with any tight clothing. The procedure consists of, taking care of the patient’s needs, if the pubic and major labia are prominent liposuction of the pubic area and resection of the major labia will solve the problem. This will leave a more flat pubic area and will reduce the size and projection over the entire vagina.
How is it done?
Most of these procedures are performed under regional anesthesia and sedation, small cannulas for liposuction are used and resection of the redundancy is performed. This area heals very well and without any scars.
What is vaginal reconstruction?
Vaginal reconstruction is a procedure designed to eliminate the redundancy of tissue, reduce the size of the entrance of the vagina, repair the muscles, help to tone the vagina and restore the sensitivity lost after vaginal birth delivery. In some cases, it can also correct the size discrepancy in the couple (vagina too large, penis too small). The vaginal reconstruction is done under regional anesthesia. The removal of excess mucosa, muscle repair, and reduction at the entrance of the vagina will help to recover the muscle tone, recover the sensitivity, increase sexual pleasure, and will give back confidence to the patient.